I think I felt my little mommy heart break into pieces. Today was the 2 month pediatrician visit — and that means Reese got her shots. I didn’t realize she was going to get 5 immunizations all at once… and I certainly didn’t know 4 of them were going to be separate shots.
The nurses were very professional and quick, and let me “hold” The Girl’s hand during the shot administration (okay, The Girl had her Kung Fu grip action all up on my index finger). And her squeal came just as quick as the shots. Oh, I now know what her “I’m in pain” cry sounds like.
I. Don’t. Like. It.
After the nurses beat their hasty retreat to inflict their special kind of hurt on another hapless infant (oh, fine, I’m being dramatic…it’s their job) Reese shot me the most watery, miserable look she could muster mid-wail.
As in, “How could you let them do this to me?! That HURT!!”
Kiddo, they hurt me too.
At least she got fun Band-Aids