As I reflect upon the past few months of new parenthood, I sit here, at 10:49 pm on Christmas Eve, thanking the Good Lord Above for giving me a healthy baby who eats well, sleeps well, and fills her Pampers REALLY well. I am so thankful for a super understanding husband who continues to see me through even my worst craptastic days of postpartum moodiness (and lemme tell you, those days ain’t pretty and probably more frequent than I’d like to admit) — and he still loves me! I count my sister, brother, parents & inlaws, and other relatives and friends in my prayers tonight.
Reese, being half Dutch, would like to thank Sinterklaas for her early Bumbo gift.
And to all, a good night.
Sint Niklass, kapoentje
Gooi wat in mijn schoentje,
Breng wat in mijn laarsje
Dank je Sinterklaasje.
Saint Nicholas, I beg of you
Toss into my little shoe,
Put into my stocking.
Thank you, Saint Nicholas.