I’ve kept the Squirt out of daycare for the past two days due to her new junky cough she’s suddenly developed. Yesterday, as I was packing her up in the car to go she started into a nasty coughing fit that ultimately made her vomit EVERYWHERE. That was probably the first sign to me that this might be a little more serious than I first thought.
The thing is, she continues to have no fever, and is otherwise a cheerful little monkey — perhaps an exception is that she seems to like to be held and snuggled a little more lately. I decided to take her in to the doctor’s office today to get things checked out because 1. I don’t want this to become some nasty bacterial thing and 2. I just felt better knowing there would be a doctor who could reassure me that it is just something that we must wait out. In the meantime, I just have to be sure she still has an appetite, that her breathing doesn’t become more labored, and be on guard for the dreaded ear infection.
As the house of e-lah once wrote “…life as as a petri dish has just begun”.
Here are today’s sick day pictures — you’ll notice she’s only just a little more solemn than usual.