It’s strange sometimes how good friends can not see each other for months at a time, but when they get together it’s like no time has passed.
This weekend Reese and I went up to Ashland, to my alma mater, where we were meeting up with my college friends(Deidre, Jeni, Amy, and Kim). I think the main objective for me was to eat so much at Convo (the Convocation Center, if you will) that I would embarrass myself. That, and go get more Ashland University swag at the bookstore. I actually didn’t eat so much that I was ashamed (damn!), but I did get a sweet huge blanket from the bookstore that will be good for the beach, or an afternoon in the park.
Anyway, gluttony and materialism weren’t the only driving forces that magnetized us to Ashland: it was also the facials, the beer, and converting our old t-shirts into handy, reusable grocery totes, the Martha Stewart way. We are reducing our individual carbon footprint one stitch at a time, man. With a cold Labatt Blue “Lite” and a Kenmore sewing machine, I have produced 5 variable-sized grocery totes that won’t tear inconvenient holes OR cut the circulation off in my hand if I load about 30 lbs of vegetables in one.
Yes, in case you were wondering, this is what women do when we get together. We give ourselves facials and make crafts. And drink. And eat pepperoni-flavored snack sausages.
And put scrap t-shirt material on Reese’s head. We’ve decided she’s definitely a “ribbons & bows” girl.
Don’t worry, she loved every minute of it…