Author: denise

Five Years

Five Years


Severe Nap Hair

Severe Nap Hair

Saturday morning we put Reese down for a nap. A long, long nap. A nap so long and delicious that THIS happened: Check out the majesty of that ...


Friday POTD: Yeah, Sometimes It’s Like That

Friday POTD: Yeah, Sometimes It’s Like That

Every night, after we put The Pink One to bed, C and I occasionally spend several minutes reviewing our day. The better parts of those ...


Thursday POTD: BasketGERRRRLL

Thursday POTD: BasketGERRRRLL

Yes. I can now join the ranks of millions of other parents who have photographed their offspring in a laundry basket.


Letters to My Daughter: Months 11 and 12

Letters to My Daughter: Months 11 and 12

Dear Reese, Happy birthday, my little baby girl! You're ONE. One WHOLE year old. One year of you transforming from a squirmy, squalling, pooping pupae to ...


Sunday POTD: I Keep A Close Watch On This Heart Of Mine

Sunday POTD: I Keep A Close Watch On This Heart Of Mine

I keep a close watch on this heart of mine I keep my eyes wide open all the time I keep the ends out for the tie ...


The Power Is ON

The Power Is ON

It's still quiet in this house and neighborhood. I'm rather liking the new hush and stillness that a weeks' worth of no electricity has brought ...