Category Archive: doggie

Saturday POTD: Apples and Cheese

Saturday POTD: Apples and Cheese

The Pink OneTM has discovered the joys of the peeled apple, and will now request them for a snack whenever she can. I don't think ...


Monday POTD: Ronin

Monday POTD: Ronin

My dog is a good hound dog.




The wonderful Bark Park in Powell is closing it's doors due to low membership numbers. This saddens me because it's a very nice property and ...


My Babies and The Great Housepainting of 2008 Update

My Babies and The Great Housepainting of 2008 Update

Stupid power outage. Last night, during the time I was going to get caught up on my posts we lost power. Power remained ...


Things I Have Pulled Out of a Dog’s Butt Today

Things I Have Pulled Out of a Dog’s Butt Today

There are some days where I can't even believe how many different forms of poop crisis I must face. It really wasn't long ago when my ...


Park Adventures

Park Adventures

The Girl and I hit the park yesterday, as our evening walk in the mild weather is my only form of exercise (unless you count ...


Ronin And The Snow

Ronin And The Snow

The monkey dog loves the snow, but he loves it even more when he can do his wind sprints in the back yard. Check ...