Category Archive: POTD

First July 4th : Running Of The Hounds

First July 4th : Running Of The Hounds

First July 4th, Day Two.  C and I sort of had a very low key get-together in mind for some friends in the hood (and ...


First July 4th : Fun At Casa Dorgan

First July 4th : Fun At Casa Dorgan

Our rockin' next door neighbors threw a hoo-ha for the 4th, and a lot of their friends have had babies in the past year (or ...


One Day She’ll Either Think I’m Cool, Or Maybe Hopelessly Embarrassing

One Day She’ll Either Think I’m Cool, Or Maybe Hopelessly Embarrassing

For some reason, I love to give my baby fauxhawks.  Some might say I'm taking advantage of Peanut's inability to make fashion decisions herself.  Perhaps ...


Egad! She’s MOBILE

Egad! She’s MOBILE

Yup.  This week we caught The Small One taking her first crawls with a forward motion.  I'm currently editing the video to get it ready ...


Sunday POTD: Lounging By The Pool

Sunday POTD: Lounging By The Pool

Whatta day.  After I moved and stacked into a neat pile 20-some flagstone, I decided it was time for the small human to enjoy the ...


Rugrat Is Living Up To Her Nickname

Rugrat Is Living Up To Her Nickname

Small Fry is just so close to forward mobility.  I really have tried to baby-proof the living room, but it resulted in me getting an ...


Shamless Plug for CoverBaby

Shamless Plug for CoverBaby

I entered Reese in Parents Magazine Cover Baby contest.  I am shameless.