Columbus Chapter IxDA Event – Blender Thursday
I've mentioned this on various channels, but it bears repeating: Columbus chapter of IxDA is teaming up with IDSA Central Ohio chapter and Young Professionals ...
I've mentioned this on various channels, but it bears repeating: Columbus chapter of IxDA is teaming up with IDSA Central Ohio chapter and Young Professionals ...
ISDA and IxDA are mixing it up with a happy hour at the Bristol Bar. Want to be active with IxDA (which is my focus, ...
For my IxD homies out there:Â A couple of online tools worth evaluating: Rapid Rabbit Rapid prototyping tool which allows you to diagram and create links between ...
First things first: Resource Interactive (yeah, I'm looking at YOU, Resource!) posted a new technology blog. First real topic post (as opposed to ...
The most clever abuse of radio buttons ever performed by a dinosaur. This is for my UI homies, all 2 of them.
I don't really think the title applies to the post, but it was just a phrase my sister used the other day and it made ...
During my exploration of AJAX techniques, I found a version of a drag n drop shopping cart that was used on just a handful of ...
Category Archive: UI/IA/IxD