Category Archive: UI/IA/IxD

User Interface/Information Architecture/Interaction Design

Columbus Chapter IxDA Event – Blender Thursday

Columbus Chapter IxDA Event – Blender Thursday

I've mentioned this on various channels, but it bears repeating: Columbus chapter of IxDA is teaming up with IDSA Central Ohio chapter and Young Professionals ...


ISDA and IxDA Blender at Bristol Bar

ISDA and IxDA Blender at Bristol Bar

ISDA and IxDA are mixing it up with a happy hour at the Bristol Bar. Want to be active with IxDA (which is my focus, ...


Mockups, Wireframes, and Prototypes… OH MY

Mockups, Wireframes, and Prototypes… OH MY

For my IxD homies out there:  A couple of online tools worth evaluating: Rapid Rabbit Rapid prototyping tool which allows you to diagram and create links between ...


On Web Accessibility, Adobe Beta Versions and a Buzzword Update

On Web Accessibility, Adobe Beta Versions and a Buzzword Update

First things first: Resource Interactive (yeah, I'm looking at YOU, Resource!) posted a new technology blog. First real topic post (as opposed to ...


Radio Buttons Don’t Actually Work Like This

Radio Buttons Don’t Actually Work Like This

The most clever abuse of radio buttons ever performed by a dinosaur. This is for my UI homies, all 2 of them.


“This may apply to you, but it won’t apply to the thinking man.”

“This may apply to you, but it won’t apply to the thinking man.”

I don't really think the title applies to the post, but it was just a phrase my sister used the other day and it made ...


AJAX Shenanigans!

AJAX Shenanigans!

During my exploration of AJAX techniques, I found a version of a drag n drop shopping cart that was used on just a handful of ...