We Interrupt Guest Author Week To Inform You That Chris Has Had a Corndog.

We Interrupt Guest Author Week To Inform You That Chris Has Had a Corndog.

And he liked it. The man you are looking at in the picture below I once had to SHAME into trying a blueberry.  Begged him. Bribed …


Friends Don’t Let Friends Snort Cocaine Off of Scrapbooking Kits

Friends Don’t Let Friends Snort Cocaine Off of Scrapbooking Kits

It kind of snuck up on me, like the holiday season or the charms of Al Roker– friendlessness. This is, of course, a loaded word– I …


If You Think Her Nose Is Cute, YOU SHOULD SEE HER TOES

If You Think Her Nose Is Cute, YOU SHOULD SEE HER TOES

Tasty, delicious toes.




Since Denise and I talk so much about raising our daughters — and in the course of those conversations, about people and feelings and such …


We Interrupt Guest Author Week For Some Crappy Blurry Photos That I Took.

We Interrupt Guest Author Week For Some Crappy Blurry Photos That I Took.

At least the subject matter rulz.  Foreground: Of course there is my muse, high on supermegababycrawlyenergy.  In the background: my supermegalazy hound, finding the softest …


As Good As It Gets

As Good As It Gets

When you first find out you’re pregnant with a very wanted child, you tend to get a little rush of overwhelming love. You become very …


What Daughter Means

What Daughter Means

Some days, I wish I could write unfettered, where I could truly speak my mind.  There’s something cleansing in writing what you think deep down …