Columbus Chapter IxDA Event – Blender Thursday
I’ve mentioned this on various channels, but it bears repeating: Columbus chapter of IxDA is teaming up with IDSA Central Ohio chapter and Young Professionals …
I’ve mentioned this on various channels, but it bears repeating: Columbus chapter of IxDA is teaming up with IDSA Central Ohio chapter and Young Professionals …
ISDA and IxDA are mixing it up with a happy hour at the Bristol Bar. Want to be active with IxDA (which is my focus, …
Just to put this into perspective, it has taken Reese 17 WHOLE MONTHS to grow just enough hair to warrant a trim. There was a …
I think the answer is 10-12 pairs of panties.
I’ve been a little backlogged with my blogging. Perhaps I ought to refer to is as being “backblogged”. Meh, anyway. I’ve traded in one pastime …
First, she emptied the dirty clothes basket, carelessly tossing our garments around her. Then, she picked through EVERYTHING, specifically selecting two pair of undies and one …