Endeavoring To Decorate Safely

Endeavoring To Decorate Safely

So I figured out an approach to toddler-proofing the christmas tree this year: Harmless berry sprays, gold clusters of sparkly leaves, and a translucent gold …


You Saw Mommy Kissing -NO ONE-, Understand?

You Saw Mommy Kissing -NO ONE-, Understand?

Absolutely. Classic. According to C, she let out one wail, but no tears. So epic meltdown isn’t her Santa-style. Though looking at this Santa, I’m not …


I Think My Heart Just Exploded In My Chest

I Think My Heart Just Exploded In My Chest

My daughter just gave me two real kisses – one on my neck and one on my shoulder – as I lifted her out of …


Thanksgiving Flashback POTD: EXACTLY One Year Ago Today

Thanksgiving Flashback POTD: EXACTLY One Year Ago Today

Just get a load of this little pixie! You can almost see the little imp starting to take shape even in her earliest photos. I …


You Were Named For Her

You Were Named For Her

Dear Reese, Today is a day that wish I didn’t have to recall with the memories that I do. I want to tell you a little …


Convenient, Travel-Sized Human

Convenient, Travel-Sized Human

And she fits in our luggage! Truly efficient and a timesaver for packing. Best of all, she seems to enjoy the inside of our suitcases …


Cold As A Witches’ Tit Convention

Cold As A Witches’ Tit Convention

The weather has changed, the winds are chilling,  and it has become apparent that sweater jackets won’t be doing much to keep the smallest Philipsen …